Thursday, October 13, 2011

"Wisdom in My Hands"

Whoever said that time couldn't stop was wrong. At least, this is how I see it. Time stops and doesn't keep moving until you snap out of your trance and realize time was standing still. By then, you've already started time again subconsciously, so there's no trace of the fact that time had ever stopped in the first place.

I thought of this while I was having yet another glorious day in my misery. I was staring, pondering this limbo of heartbreak and disaster, stress and depression, joy and excitement, birth and renewal.

I've never been s bruised and broken and yet liberated and motivated at the same time...! One instant I'm that little girl who just lost her first true love; the next moment I'm planning my next entrepreneurial escapade, and sorting through business correspondence on my e-mail. Either I'm becoming cold and heartless, or I'm truly learning how to benefit from heartache, and thrive on despair.

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